Thursday, January 25, 2024

God's perspective

Today in the One Year Bible we read from Matthew 16:13-17:9. Jesus tells Peter that he's seeing things as a human and not the way God sees things. Which seems normal, right? Peter WAS human after all. And he was commended in today's reading for realizing Jesus is the messiah because God told him so.

So how can WE see things from God's perspective instead of merely human viewpoint? Well there's this thing called the Examen. It's a form of prayer in which you ask God to let you see your day from His view. Then you think through your day and see what was good and what could have been better. Then you resolve to do better in that area going forward. So basically just ASK Him to help you see things from His view and He'll help you do it. 

God, thank You for teaching us to see things from Your perspective. 

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