Thursday, January 11, 2024

being left alone

Today in the One Year Bible we read from Matthew 8:18-34. Jesus finds a man possessed by demons and He casts them out into a herd of pigs. The local townspeople see the herd go over a cliff and drown, and they beg Jesus to go away and leave them alone.

This is, of course, a very foolish thing to do. The savior of the world is right there, and they prefer their boring little lives instead. We do the same thing, though. Every week, Jesus waits for us in the Eucharist. And most of us don't go. We stay at home and watch TV or play games or take a nap instead of spending time being tranformed by the savior of the world. 

Don't be foolish. Spend time with Jesus. 

God, thanks for teaching us to come be with You instead of sticking to our dull routine. 

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