Saturday, March 18, 2023

why you should be baptized

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Numbers 26:52-28:15
Luke 3:1-22
Psalm 61:1-8
Proverbs 11:16-17 

Let's look at Luke. John is baptizing people and proclaiming the coming of the kingdom of God. Many think he's the Messiah, but he himself says he's not. That someone is coming after him who will be so much greater than he is that he's not even worthy to untie His shoe. 

And then Jesus comes to John and is baptized by John. Everyone, including John, is wondering why Jesus, who is without sin, needs to be baptized, since baptism is intended to repent of our sins and be washed clean of them. The church teaches (as Pope Benedict XVI wrote) that Jesus actually baptized baptism. He turned baptism into what it is today: the door through which we become Christians, have all of our previous sins washed away, and receive the Holy Spirit. The church teaches that if you are baptized and then die immediately afterward, you will go straight to heaven.

So that's a really good reason to get baptized, right? If you haven't already, contact your local Catholic Church and tell them you would like to be baptized. They'll walk you through what you need to do in order to be baptized.

If you HAVE been baptized already, then join me in "remembering your baptism" by dipping your finger in holy water and crossing yourself. This is an act of repentance and prepares you to receive what God has for you each day - including His body and blood in the Eucharist, which brings us eternal life.

If you would like to read more about what the church teaches about baptism, click here.

God, thanks for giving us these wonderful sacraments that bring us to You.

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