Monday, March 20, 2023

don't tell anyone Jesus is the Messiah

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Numbers 32:1-33:39
Luke 4:31-5:11
Psalm 64:1-10
Proverbs 11:22 

Let's look at Luke. Jesus keeps telling people not to announce to everyone that He's the Messiah. He knew that it wasn't time yet for Him to be hailed as Messiah, and then crucified, so He kept telling everyone to keep it quiet.

Now, stop and think about that. The TRUTH was that Jesus WAS the Messiah. But Jesus, who is without sin and God Himself, told people NOT to speak the truth because it wasn't yet time. That applies to our lives, too. There are times when something may be true, but we shouldn't say it. This applies to gossip, especially. Some people mistakenly think that gossip is only bad if it's a lie. But TRUE gossip is also bad - maybe even worse - than gossip that is false. If what you're saying isn't true, kind, and beneficial, then consider not saying it. 

Just because something is true doesn't mean we should share it. There are some truths that are best kept to ourselves. 

God, thanks for teaching us that we should be discerning about what we tell people, even if it's true.

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