Tuesday, March 21, 2023

bring your friends to Jesus

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Numbers 33:40-35:34
Luke 5:12-28
Psalm 65:1-13
Proverbs 11:23 

Let's look at Luke. We see a beautiful story where some friends bring a paralyzed man to Jesus. They can't get close to Him because of the crowd, so they dig through the roof and lower the man down directly in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw THEIR faith, He said, "Your sins are forgiven." And then He heals the man, who gets up and picks up the mat his friends were carrying him on, and walks home.

There's SO MUCH to unpack in this story. But I'm going to keep it simple. This paralyzed man's friends cared about him. They cared so much that they carried him to the One who could heal him. And they didn't stop there, but carried him up on the roof, dug a hole in the roof, and lowered him down right in front of Jesus. They were determined. They were on a mission. They loved their friend and wanted him to be healed.

Let's strive to be that kind of friend. The kind that doesn't give up on the people we know who need healing from Jesus. The kind of friend who doesn't take no for an answer. They could have seen the crowds and said, "Sorry, dude. We just can't get you close enough." But they went above and beyond (literally) and made SURE their friend got the healing he needed from God.

When you see people in your life who need Jesus, help them find Him. Do what it takes. Go the extra mile. I'm talking to myself here as much as to you. Love your friends like the paralyzed man's friends loved him.

God, thanks for giving us such a beautiful example of what love and friendship look like. Help us love our friends like that.

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