Monday, December 5, 2022

when our relationship with God is personal: One Year Bible Reading for December 5

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Hosea 1:1-3:5
1 John 5:1-21
Psalm 124:1-8
Proverbs 29:5-8 

Let's look at Hosea. I'm always amused by this book of the Bible because it's literally about a prophet named Ho-sea who is told to marry a prostitute. That always makes me giggle like a junior high kid.

But we can learn quite a bit from this odd prophet. One thing is that God calls each of us to do things personally. I'm usually pointing out to people that God works with us in COMMUNITY and that our PERSONAL relationship with Him only goes so far. God makes covenants with groups of people, usually. God says where two or more are gathered, there He is in their midst. Usually I emphasize that God works with us as GROUPS rather than as individuals. We NEED our community to function in a healthy spiritual relationship.


In today's lesson, we see that it is also important to remember that God's relationship with each of us is also personal. The reason that's important is because sometimes He calls ME to do something that He does NOT call you to do. For example, God called Hosea to marry a prostitute and have children with her. That might sound like something you could not possibly do, and you might feel bad about that. You might see someone doing mission work in Africa or teaching a class at church and feel bad because you don't feel like you can do that. But that's probably not what God is calling you to do. He called THEM to do that. 

On the other hand, you might think to yourself, "I don't get why people are addicted to gambling. That's so ridiculous. Why don't they just stop??" And we don't realize that in their relationship with God, THAT'S what they're struggling with. Just because you don't struggle with something doesn't mean they don't. Conversely, you might think, "I just read this book and it taught me SO MUCH and now EVERYONE needs to read this book!!" And there's nothing wrong with getting excited about something God gives you to teach you. But sometimes He teaches YOU through a book, but it's not the right book or the right time for someone else. God's "curriculum" for you isn't always the same as it is for other people.

God, thanks for teaching us that we don't all have to marry prostitutes. 

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