Tuesday, December 13, 2022

what God knocks down stays down: One Year Bible Reading for December 13

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Obadiah 1:1-21
Revelation 4:1-11
Psalm 132:1-18
Proverbs 29:24-25 

Let's look at Obadiah! So the prophet Obadiah is prophesying about a very powerful nation that was full of pride because they thought they would last forever and no one could touch them. Who was it? Rome? Babylon? Persia?

No, it was Edom. Who, you might ask? And that's the point of today's blog. God told Edom (though Obadiah), that even though they were great and mighty and everyone knew who they were, He was going to knock them down, and in the words of Obadiah: "I will make you small among the nations."

His work was so complete that we haven't even heard of them today. His work is very effective. That was bad news for Edom, who refused to repent and got knocked down like the fighter in the picture above.

But it's good news for you. Because you can still repent of the sins that so easily tangle you up and bring you down. And when we DO repent, like Nineveh did in the story of Jonah, God is delighted to turn away from the punishment we deserve and bless us instead.

So let's be wise, not like Edom, and repent of our sins and follow Him. Then His GOOD work in our lives will be permanent.

God, thanks for giving us the opportunity to repent so You can do permanent good things in us.

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