Monday, December 12, 2022

pride vs humility: One Year Bible Reading for December 12

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Amos 7:1-9:15
Revelation 3:7-22
Psalm 131:1-3
Proverbs 29:23 

Let's look at the proverb. It says, "Pride brings a person low, but the lowly in spirit (aka the humble) gain honor." That seems backwards, right? Don't proud people seek honor? And aren't humble people lowly?

Well, Jesus turned that upside down, and He also TAUGHT us that if we're humble we will be exalted, but if we are proud we will be humbled. I see this very often in the workforce. People who think they're too good to do "menial work" are often humiliated when someone above them requires them to do something they think they're too good for. On the other hand, people often praise those who are doing "menial work" because they appreciate the value of hard work. Many times people who do hard, "thankless" work are the people we admire the most. 

And the fact is that good, hard, daily work is very good for you. It makes you a better person, and it "keeps you humble". Being in an exalted, powerful position is dangerous because power does in fact TEND to corrupt people. Those who are rich and powerful, especially those who are BORN into wealth and power, are in serious danger of becoming horrible people. So if you want to become a good person, a very tried and true road to becoming one is good, hard, daily work.

God, thanks for reminding us of the value of humility.

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