Sunday, October 2, 2022

God's House: One Year Bible Reading for October 2

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Isaiah 66:1-24
Philippians 3:4-21
Psalm 74:1-23
Proverbs 24:15-16

Let's look at Isaiah. The prophet Isaiah says here what I said in a previous blog - that God doesn't need a house. Somewhere along the way, we humans keep getting the idea that God needs a house. David and Solomon each built Him one, and even felt guilty for having a nice house themselves while God didn't have one.

And today we tend to think of God as being down at the church. But God is literally everywhere. He's outside of space and time, and He's throughout space and time. There is NO WHERE you can go where He isn't.

That applies to your life, too. There is no part of your life where God isn't already there, doing His good and holy work. It's not a matter of getting God to start doing things in your life - it's more a matter of seeing what He's already doing in your life. And in the lives of everyone around you. 

We just need to learn to start PARTICIPATING in the work that He's already doing. And that work - it's called love.

God, thanks for already being present and at work throughout the universe - please help us join you in that work of love.

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