Wednesday, October 19, 2022

are "things" good or evil?: One Year Bible Reading for October 19

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Jeremiah 33:1-34:22
1 Timothy 4:1-16
Psalm 89:1-13
Proverbs 25:23-24 

Let's look at 1 Timothy. He says that in latter times, people will start acting super crazy, "searing their consciences" like with an iron. People who don't feel right or wrong anymore, don't know what it means to do good. I've been watching some Netflix shows on Jeffrey Dahmer and John Gacy and Ted Bundy lately, and that's a nice glimpse of what Timothy is talking about in today's reading. 

But Timothy goes on to say that one of the things that people who don't know good from evil will do is forbid things that there's nothing wrong with. He points out that things are good, and that as long as we receive them with thanksgiving, then they shouldn't be avoided. He's mostly talking about meat that had been sacrificed to idols, which was a big problem in his day.

But today we also need to realize that THINGS aren't evil. Whether we're talking about a book or a house or a doll or something that seems "evil" to us. THINGS aren't evil. There MIGHT be an evil spirit that is "haunting" that book or house or doll or whatever. But the thing itself isn't evil. Halloween is coming in a few days and this is a good time to remember that THINGS aren't evil.

And having things isn't evil. It's not wrong to have a computer or a car or nice things. But we need to make sure that the things we own don't start owning us. And we need to live as simply as we can, using the resources that God gives us to help other people. 

God thanks for reminding us that we should use things to help people, and not worry about them being evil themselves.

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