Sunday, September 4, 2022

What God Needs: One Year Bible Reading for September 4


Today we talk about these verses in the One Year Bible:

Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18
2 Corinthians 7:8-16
Psalm 48:1-14
Proverbs 22:17-19 

Let's talk about the Psalm. The writer, probably David, is talking about God's city. And he refers to God's temple. That's what is pictured above. Most Jewish people, during David's time all the way up to Jesus's time, considered the city of Jerusalem, and especially the Temple, to be where God was. It was His city. So they were shocked when Jesus said that the Temple would be destroyed. And they were dismayed when they lost the city of Jerusalem and were taken into captivity. Devastated when they were scattered all over the world. They felt like they had not only lost their home, but that God had lost His, too.

But what they, and WE, need to realize is that God doesn't need a city. Or a Temple. Or a church! God doesn't need anything. God existed long before the universe did, and will continue to exist long after the universe is gone. God doesn't need us. And that's good news! It means He doesn't have a vested interest in us. It means He's free to love us with absolutely no strings attached. He wants to GIVE us everything. He needs nothing in return.

So don't be afraid, even when certain politicians seem to be acting in evil and frightening ways. Even when powerful companies seem to be intent on hurting millions of people for their own gain. Even when the world seems to be falling apart... God doesn't need the world. He will save us out of it, and give us a whole new world to live in. 

Trust Him. He already won.

God, thanks for showing us that You need nothing - but You love us anyway.

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