Monday, September 5, 2022

the best policy: One Year Bible Reading for September 5

 "You can't handle the truth!" Oh wait. That was from my other blog series on A Few Good Men.

So can YOU handle the truth? Here are the verses we're reading today in the One Year Bible:

Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14
2 Corinthians 8:1-15
Psalm 49:1-20
Proverbs 22:20-21

Let's look at the proverb. The writer tells us that he has already told us thirty times that we should tell the truth. And I'll give you some wisdom about telling the truth. First, it's simpler and easier than lying. Because you never have to try to remember which lie you told which person and cover it. You just tell the truth all the time. Second, people come to realize that you tell the truth and they trust you - with more important things. Many of these important things are really good for you. So I recommend it.

Honesty really is the best policy.

God, thanks for teaching us to be honest.

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