Sunday, August 14, 2022

Free!: One Year Bible Reading for August 14

Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

NEHEMIAH 7:73-9:21
PSALM 33:12-22
PROVERBS 21:11-12

Let's look at 1 Corinthians.  Paul is going on and on (he's not my favorite Biblical writer) about how he's entitled to be paid,  at least in food and drink,  for doing the work that he's doing in carrying the gospel around the world.  And then he goes on to say that he's not collecting on that debt even though it's owed to him. 

From that,  I just want to invite you to do what Paul did,  and what I'm doing right this moment: share the good news of Jesus,  absolutely FOR FREE,  with people that you meet.  

How is God calling you to share His good news today? 

God,  thanks for encouraging us to share your free gift of salvation with everyone -  for free. 

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