Monday, August 15, 2022

unusual circumstance: One Year Bible Reading for August 15

Today we read these verses in the One Year Bible:

NEHEMIAH 9:22-10:39
1 CORINTHIANS 9:19-10:13
PSALM 34:1-10

Let's look at the Psalm.  This is a beautiful Psalm,  and it's written during a very unusual moment in David's life.  He is praising God for always taking care of him.  He sings God's praises very beautifully.  Which makes the circumstance in which it was written especially amusing.  

David had just pretended he was insane to keep from being killed.  The writer of this beautiful Psalm which we sing in church to worship God was written by a man who JUST GOT DONE pretending to be crazy!  To save his own skin. 

That's why,  even though we take our faith seriously,  and we worship God in holiness and in truth,  we also don't take ourselves too seriously.  One of the songs we sing from the Bible itself was written by someone who just pulled the wool over a king's eyes by acting like he lost his marbles. 

God,  thanks for reminding us not to take ourselves too seriously. 

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