Saturday, August 13, 2022

Focus: One Year Bible Reading for August 13

Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

NEHEMIAH 5:14-7:73
PSALM 33:1-11
PROVERBS 21:8-10

Let's look at Nehemiah.  He tells us that he didn't eat the rich food given to him.  This reminds us of Daniel and Shadrach,  Meshach,  and Abednego,  who also refused the rich food given to them in Babylon.  Instead,  all of them focused on the work that was before them and not on the luxury that was all around them. 

Nehemiah was focused on building the wall and Daniel and the boys were focused on governing Babylon.  We should learn from their example,  and stay focused,  too.  We should avoid getting caught up in the luxury that many today fall into,  and focus on the work before us.  God calls us to make disciples.  How can you work toward that today? 

God,  thanks for showing us that it's better if we avoid luxury in this life and focus on the tasks You've given us. 

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