Friday, August 12, 2022

Do Diligence!: One Year Bible Reading for August 12

Today we look at these verses in the One Year Bible:

Nehemiah 3:15-5:13
1 Corinthians 7:25-40
Psalm 32:1-11
Proverbs 21:5-7

Let's look at the proverb.  It says,  "The plans of the diligent lead to profit."  And that's a lost art today!  Diligence is one of the virtues that people really don't understand or pursue much anymore.  It's exasperating to me when I see businesses close their doors after only being open a few months.  People expect an ROI that is instant and immense.  They've lost sight of what our forefathers knew -  that the key to success is diligence.  Starting something,  and then KEEPING WITH IT until it succeeds.  Sometimes this takes some time! 

I started a book discussion group at my store when I worked full time at a book store.  For the first several months,  no one came.  It was just me and my girlfriend discussing the book we'd chosen each month.  After about a year,  a couple more people joined us.  Then a few more.  Then more.  Eventually it got to where we had about a dozen people meet each month,  and this group continued for years -  even after I left the store.  But if I hadn't been diligent,  it never would have happened. 

What is God calling you to be diligent about today? 

God,  thanks for teaching us diligence. 

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