Friday, July 15, 2022

Our Brothers, the Jews: One Year Bible Reading for July 15

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

1 Chronicles 19:1-21:30
Romans 2:25-3:8
Psalm 11:1-7
Proverbs 19:10-12

Let's look at Romans. First, I'll go on record that my all time favorite movie is Schindler's List. I love the whole movie - it's beautifully shot, has an amazing soundtrack, and is about finding goodness and love in the midst of evil and hatred. It's sobering and it's inspiring. 

Today in Romans we read something profound about Jewish people. Paul (who was a very fervent Jew before becoming a Christian) tells us that one very important thing to remember about the Jewish people is that they were given the words of God! They were entrusted with the ten commandments, along with the rest of the law, and the entire old testament. We wouldn't have the Bible today were it not for the Jewish people. But, you might argue, they killed Jesus!

Well, first of all no one KILLED Jesus. As John 10:18 tells us, Jesus gave His life willingly. And if anyone DID kill Jesus, it was ALL of us. Our sin is what caused His death to be necessary. Even if we were to blame the Jewish people who lived during His time for His death (which we can't), those people died long ago. The Jewish people who live today are not responsible for what they did. But they ARE responsible for bringing us the Bible! It has been passed down through generations. 

And as Paul says in our passage today, even if some Jews were unfaithful, does that nullify God's faithfulness in giving us His words through them? Absolutely not.

So let's pray for our brothers, the Jews. Let's pray that God continues to bless them. And that He will draw them into the fulness of truth in Jesus Christ.

God, thanks for giving us Your words through the Jewish people. Please bless them.

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