Tuesday, December 14, 2021

St Lucy: She Would Not Be Moved

 Today we celebrate St Lucy. We don't know much about her, except that she decided at a young age to remain a perpetual virgin out of love for Jesus. The authorities tried to sell her into prostitution, but "she became immovable." We're not sure what that means exactly, but because they failed to make her into a prostitute, they cut her neck with a sword and she became a martyr. You can read more about her here.

Many forces today try to sweep us along in their movement. And in kindness we can keep up with what's interesting and trendy in the world today. But in some areas, like morality, we want to learn from St Lucy and "become immovable." Let's be salt and light to our world, and share with them the truth that never changes.

God, thanks for the example of this immovable young woman. St Lucy, pray for us.

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