Wednesday, December 15, 2021

St John of the Cross: Life Found in the Dark Night of the Soul

Today we celebrate a remarkable and interesting person named St John of the Cross. He lived in Spain in the 16th century. He entered the Carmelite order, and was going to leave to join a more austere group when St Teresa of Avila invited him instead to help her reform the Carmelites with a return to their beginnings and radical origins. He agreed, and went on to write one of the deepest and most powerful works in Christian mysticism: The Ascent to Carmel. The "Dark Night of the Soul" is a poem that is a part of The Ascent. He passed away as a young man with the same words Jesus spoke: "Father, into Your hands I commend my spirit." You can read more about him here.

God never calls us to pain or darkness as an end. They are always a path that leads to happiness and light. They are paths that lead to Him. Is your pathway dark right now? Are you in pain? Trust in Him to lead you to their fulfillment - which is life and light.

God, thanks for the deep wisdom of this saint who was committed to living a holy life. St John of the Cross, pray for us.

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