Sunday, December 5, 2021

St John of Damascus: The Importance of Beauty

You might notice that I use icons for the illustrations of many of the saints in these blogs. I use them mostly because they look cool. But today it's especially appropriate to use an icon as the illustration for St John of Damascus. You'll see why in a moment.

John of Damascus was born in the 7th century. He wrote several definitive works, including a book that St Thomas Aquinas used as a reference for his theology. That's impressive by itself. John of Damascus defended icons and the beauty that they employ in communicating the gospel. The pope at the time, Leo III, was an iconoclast. That means he opposed the use of icons in worship, seeing them as idolatrous. John defended their use, and we see a good example of the pope not always being right when not speaking ex cathedra. 

John also wrote many hymns. He saw the importance of beauty in attracting men to the truth of Christianity. This is a very good video on that subject. You can read more about St John of Damascus here.

How is God using beauty in your life to draw people to Himself? Ask Him to do this more in your life, and then watch and see what He does!

God, thanks for the beautiful example of this doctor of the church. St John of Damascus, pray for us.

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