Monday, December 6, 2021

Blessed Niels Stensen: What is the Eucharist?

 Today we honor a very intelligent man named Niels Stensen. He was born Lutheran, and studied medicine, among other things. There is a duct in the body named after him because of his research and discoveries.

One day in Italy he saw a Eucharistic procession and thought to himself, "Either that is just bread and those people are deluded, or it's really Jesus and I should worship Him, too." This thought bothered him for a year, and then he became Catholic. You can read more about him here.

That question comes before you today, as well. Remember that Jesus asked His disciples "Who do you say that I am?" and their answer determined everything that followed. Well, the same question comes to us regarding the Eucharist. What do you say it is? Just bread? Or is it really Jesus?

If it's Jesus, what is your response to Him?

God, thanks for this wonderful example of a brilliant man finding You in the Eucharist. Blessed Niels Stensen, pray for us.

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