Thursday, December 16, 2021

Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey: Consecrated to Mary, She Freed Slaves

 Today we celebrate Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey. She was born in France just before the French revolution. She desired to join a religious convent after standing watch while priests said mass in secret. But just before she joined one, she felt God calling her to begin her own, new order. So she did.

She worked in France and in France's colonies, especially in Africa. She helped hundreds of men from Africa come to France to be trained as priests. She also taught and helped many slaves become free. For some of her more controversial work (freeing slaves was frowned on by the local farmers), she was excommunicated. But she continued her work and helped many people throughout her lifetime. You can read more about her here.

Have you felt God calling you to help someone? Have you felt the opposition that comes from the enemy when we try to reach out? You might ask for Blessed Anne-Marie's intercession when that happens, as she can relate to your struggle.

God, thanks for the life and example of this remarkable young woman. Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey, pray for us.


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