Saturday, December 25, 2021

St Albert Chmielowski: Adapt, Overcome

Today we celebrate a saint who faced setbacks in his life but adapted and became a saint through it all. He was born in Krakow, Poland around the same time as John Paul II. They were friends. He lost his leg in the military, and returned to his love of painting, for which he was well known. 

He tried to join the Jesuits, but ill health prevented him. So instead he became a third order Franciscan. I'm starting to think God is nudging me that direction, since the last two nights we've discussed the same idea. 

He worked with the poor and helped establish a religious order that helped the poor and fed the hungry.

Is God nudging you toward something? Maybe as a new years resolution, you could find out what He'd like you to focus on in the coming year. 

God, thank You for the good example of this adaptive saint. St Albert Chmielowski, pray for us. 

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