Friday, November 19, 2021

St Rose Philippine Duchesne: "The Woman Who Always Prayed"

 Today we celebrate St Rose Philippine Duchesne. She was from France, and entered religious life when she was seventeen. Her order was hindered by the French Revolution, and she and some other sisters left. They later returned, and tried to set up their order once again, but failed. They then joined another local religious community, who sent them to North America as missionaries!

Despite much suffering due to illness, opposition, cold, and lack of funds, they were able to build six convents in the Missouri and Louisiana areas. Philippine, as she was called, worked among the Native Americans for many years, and she had a reputation of praying so often that their name for her was "Woman-who-prays-always". After faithfully and quietly serving the poor and teaching children for many years, she passed away happily in America. You can read more about her here.

What a name! Remember that the Bible clearly tells us "Pray without ceasing." (1 Thess 5:17) So we should all aim to have the same nickname - to be a person who is always praying! If you struggle with this, ask Him to help you. Believe me, that's a prayer you will get a "yes" to. He wants you to pray more!

God, thanks for the great example of this praying nun. St Rose Philippine Duchesne, pray for us.

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