Thursday, November 18, 2021

St Elizabeth of Hungary: A Dark Queen Story

 I love this picture of St Elizabeth of Hungary because it looks like she's saying, "Uh, yeah. Duh."

But her story is serious and a little sad. She was a queen! She was from Hungary, but was sent when she was 4 years old to live in the home of the man she would marry when she turned 14! Yeesh. But she loved and respected her husband, Ludwig IV who lived in central Germany. Her husband went off to fight in a war and was killed. His family treated Elizabeth badly, and she was eventually banished from the castle and had to beg for food for her children. Her family found her and urged her to marry again, but she decided to enter religious life instead, so she entered the Franciscans as a tertiary, and died when she was twenty three. You can read more about her here.

A little bit different story from yesterday. But Elizabeth sought Jesus through all of her troubles, and now she is a saint in heaven forever. Keep that in mind when you suffer - it is only for a short time, and eternity is forever.

God, thanks for the example of this woman who suffered. St Elizabeth of Hungary, pray for us.

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