Thursday, November 11, 2021

St Leo the Great: He Unified the Church

 Today we celebrate St Leo the Great, who was pope in the fifth century. He was elected bishop of Rome, and at the time that office wasn't seen by everyone as having the primacy that we understand today, or that Jesus clearly passed to Peter. St Leo the Great helped bring unity to the church, by explaining the primacy of the position of the Bishop of Rome, and by holding a council that denounced some heresies. He brought unity to a church that was threatening to splinter. 

Today, we benefit greatly from the work that Leo the Great did. If not for him, the catholicity of the catholic church might have been diminished. He helped to preserve the church that Jesus instituted. You can read more about him here.

How is God calling you to help heal the church today? If nothing else (which sounds like this is little, but it's actually really big!) you can pray. Pray for the unity of the church, that we will be healed from the wounds we've suffered throughout the years, and that we will be a light to the world.

God, thanks for the work of this unifying pope. St Leo the Great, pray for us.

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