Tuesday, November 9, 2021

St Elizabeth of the Trinity: She Loved all Three

Today we celebrate St Elizabeth of the Trinity. As a young girl, she was vivacious and had a sassy personality. She had many suitors, but among them was Jesus, inviting her to become a Carmelite nun. She accepted His invitation and grew very close to all three members of the Trinity. Her spiritual writings reflected this deep relationship she had. She died when she was 26, and as she was dying, said, "I go to the light, love, and life!" You can read more about her here.

I've shared in previous blogs that when I was in college I was praying one day and realized that I felt close to God the Father and close to the Holy Spirit, but I felt a distance from Jesus. The word that kept coming to mind is that I felt "estranged" from Jesus. I was praying about that one day, and I asked, "Why do I feel estranged from Jesus?" I opened my Bible and looked down. The very first verse I saw said, "You feel estranged from Jesus because...." and my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe the Bible was answering my question so directly and in the very same words I'd used to ask the question!

The REASON why I felt estranged is beside the point, so I won't go into it now. But since that time I've grown closer to Jesus, and feel closer to Him than I do to the Father or Holy Spirit. I do feel close to all three, though. So I can relate to this saint, who felt close to all three. But my relationship with Them has been a journey. How do you feel about the Trinity?

God, thanks for the example of this wonderful woman. St Elizabeth of the Trinity, pray for us.

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