Friday, November 5, 2021

St Charles Borromeo: From Speech Impediment to Bishop

 Today we celebrate a saint named Charles Borromeo. He was born in a castle, to a wealthy count. His mother died when he was a child, and he faced difficulties in school. He had a speech impediment, and this caused people to think he was unintelligent. But he persevered in his studies and finished his doctorate when he was 21. Everyone expected him to take his inheritance and get married, but instead he renounced his inheritance and became a priest. He was quickly promoted to Bishop. When the Bubonic Plague broke out, he personally ministered to the sick. He shamed the secular authorities for abandoning the city to save themselves, and took care of thousands of sick people. He finally died in his 40's. You can read more about him here.

God was calling Charles to do His will, but that didn't mean things were easy for him. That is probably true for us, too. God calls us to do like Charles did, and help those who need us. When we do that, we will face difficulties. People will misunderstand. And it might even cost us our lives. But it will be worth it.

God, thanks for the example of this man who overcame his obstacles to serve You. St Charles Borromeo, pray for us.

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