Wednesday, November 3, 2021

St Martin de Porres: He Talked to Mice

 Today in the book In Caelo et in Terra, we read about St Martin de Porres. He was from Peru, and studied to be a doctor. But then God called him to religious life, and he joined the Dominicans. He was a very kind and gentle person, and even extended his kindness to animals. When a family of mice infested his building, he kindly asked them to relocate to the courtyard instead. And they did! He performed other miracles, as well, including passing through locked doors to visit the sick. When his time came, he died peacefully in bed, surrounded by his fellow Dominicans, who sang Salve Regina as he died. You can read more about him here.

God calls us to be kind to everyone, even animals! How can you show this kindness to an animal today?

God, thanks for the kind and gentle example of this man. St Martin de Porres, pray for us.

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