Tuesday, October 12, 2021

St John XXIII: He Totally Changed the Church

 Today we celebrate Pope St John XXIII, who completely reformed the church. He looks like a pretty status quo guy, and when you read his biography, there's nothing radical or extraordinary about his life. But shortly before his death, he felt that God called him to call Vatican II. Which completely and forever changed the face of the church. He died shortly after the beginning of the meeting. You can read more about him here.

I find this fact very interesting and important personally, because it would have been far more difficult, maybe even impossible, for me to have become catholic if not for Vatican II. Pre-Vatican II Catholic mass was entirely in Latin, facing away from the congregation, and almost entirely without the participation of the faithful. The priest "said" mass while everyone kind of watched. After Vatican II, the people were involved. We say the creed and the Lord's Prayer and respond throughout the mass in our native languages, involved physically and mentally (and spiritually!) in what is happening in the mass. If not for the brave obedience of St John XXIII, that change might not have happened. Thank you, St John!

God, thanks for the work of this obedient servant. Pope St John XXIII, pray for us.

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