Wednesday, October 13, 2021

St Gerard Majella: A Useless Brother

Today we read about St Gerard Majella, who was called useless by his superior. He was being transferred from one Redemptorist order to another, and his superior told the superior of Gerard's destination, "I am sending you a useless brother."

But Gerard proved to be very useful and holy. He could read souls, and was very humble and obedient. A woman once accused him of fathering a child with her, and Gerard humbly accepted the punishment from his superior. It was later found out that the woman lied, and his superior announced, "Gerard is a saint!" Gerard then predicted the date and hour of his death, which happened exactly as he said.

Have you ever felt useless? Gerard suffered from being treated harshly by his fellow Christians, as did St Therese of Lisieux. But from both of them, we can learn humility and patience in the face of false accusations. And we can learn to love those who treat us badly. You can read more about him here.

God, thanks for the example of this humble servant. St Gerard Majella, pray for us.

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