Sunday, October 10, 2021

St John Leonardi: Never Too Late to Change

St John Leonardi is the subject of our reading today in the book In Caelo et in Terra. He was a pharmacist, having studied for ten years to become one. But God called him to leave that profession and become a priest. So he did. He ministered to those suffering from the Reformation. He formed schools to teach young people about God and the church. And he helped alleviate the suffering of those who caught the plague that was sweeping Europe at the time, and eventually succumbed to it himself. You can read more about him here.

Sometimes God calls us to do things that don't make much sense to us. That is when He can do the most important and powerful things in our lives, though. Because when we don't know what He's doing, we're less likely to interfere with His work. I can tell you from personal experience though, it can be frustrating to go for years not quite getting what He's doing exactly. But He doesn't call us to always understand - He calls us to follow and trust Him.

God, thanks for this man's example who left his life to do Your work. St John Leonardi, pray for us.

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