Thursday, October 14, 2021

St Hedwig of Silesia: She Kept Her Wealth


Today in the book In Caelo et in Terra, we read about St Hedwig of Silesia. She was born into royalty, but she did all kinds of things that princesses and queens are not supposed to do. She gave generously to the poor and even nursed lepers herself. She and her husband lost three of their seven children to disease, but instead of retreating in her grief, she poured herself out in helping the poor. After having seven children, she and her husband took vows of celibacy. When her husband died, she entered a convent, but did not take the vows because she wanted to retain her wealth and be able to give to the poor. At her death, she was given a vision of Mary welcoming her into heaven. You can read more about her here.

When we hurt, it's easy for us to fall into the temptation to pull away from others and hide. That's what cats do when they're sick - they hide from everyone and pass away alone. But St Hedwig gives us a better example of what to do. (BTW it's a funny coincidence that the abbreviation on my screen for the picture of St Hedwig above is "St. Hedwig the Cat" instead of "Catholic" lol) God wants us to reach out in our pain and share His love with other people, rather than pull away and hide. In giving His love to others, we receive it ourselves. It's not easy to do, but He'll help you if you let Him.

God, thanks for this great example of reaching out in our pain. St Hedwig of Silesia, pray for us.

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