Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday the 13th


Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Ezekiel 24:1-26:21. Which is really interesting, because it is (I believe) the only place in the Bible where God tells someone to write down the date. And it just so happens that I'm writing this on Friday the 13th in the year 2020. 

The reason God had Ezekiel write the date was not a happy one. He was recording the date because that was when Babylon was beginning to attack their country. And God made it very clear that the sins of the people of Israel, especially the people in Jerusalem, would bring this calamity on top of them.

Let's work as followers of Jesus to prevent that kind of judgment against our country. Let's pray that our salt and light will preserve and illuminate the United States, and hold off the judgment that is coming for those who turn their backs on Him and try to force everyone else to do the same.

God, thanks for telling us about today's date. Help us make this a Friday the 13th worth remembering - for good reasons.