Saturday, September 26, 2020

who are we to question God?

 Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Isaiah 45:11-48:11. God asks, "Do you question what I do for my children? Do you give me orders about the work of my hands?"

On one hand, God is patient with us because we're stupid little babies and He loves us. On the other hand, He only puts up with so much foolishness before He sets us straight. 

He set Job straight and told him to stop pretending like he knew half of the answers. He set us straight through Paul when Paul asked if the clay can criticize the potter. He set the workers straight when they got mad because He paid those who had only worked one hour the same as what He paid those who had worked all day. "Are you envious because I am generous?"

God will put up with us when we're honest with Him. He lets us beat against His chest when we're in pain. He WANTS us to be honest with Him in our doubt and regarding our sin.

But then He'll set us straight. And we'll be glad He did.

God, thanks for putting up with us... and for setting us straight.

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