Sunday, September 27, 2020

come closer and listen to this

 Today we read in the One Year Bible from Isaiah 48:12-50:11. In verse 16, we read "Come closer, and listen to this."

God beckons us to come closer to Him. And in this blog, I recommend that you do just that. You might wonder to yourself, "How do I come closer to God? Isn't He everywhere?"

Well, here are some good tips on how to draw close to God. And I recommend doing all of them. BUT. There is a step before those steps. 

It's very simple. First, will it. DESIRE to come closer to Him. Just willing it makes it begin happening. Lifting your heart to Him... intentionally placing yourself in His presence. Just choosing to draw closer to Him draws you closer to Him.

Next, ASK. Ask God to draw close to you, and to draw you closer to Him. Believe me, He will answer that prayer with a "yes". It's what He wants more than anything else. To be close to you. 

Then go to that link above and do those things. You'll find yourself coming closer to Him. You might even find that He speaks to you directly through the Bible verses that you read. Sometimes He does that. Here's an example:

One time I felt like I was close to God the father, and close to the Holy Spirit. But I felt this distance between me and Jesus. I felt ESTRANGED from Jesus. I used that exact word. And I prayed, and asked "God, why do I feel estranged from Jesus?"

I picked up my Bible and opened it and the very first verse I saw said, "You feel estranged from Jesus because..." 

And my jaw hit the floor. I couldn't believe God had SO DIRECTLY answered my prayer.

Sometimes He does that. Sometimes He speaks a little less directly. But you can take it to the bank and cash this: He will answer your prayer. Draw near to Him, and ask Him to draw near to you. Then just wait, do the things above, and you'll see: He WILL draw near to you.

God, thanks for teaching us how to get close to You.

PS I'll tell you what the verse said about feeling estranged from Jesus if you wanna know. Just message me on FB or email me at

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