Friday, September 25, 2020

our God isn't Zeus


Today we read from Isaiah 43:14-45:10 in the One Year Bible. We read about God, the Holy One of Israel, sending the enemies of Israel into confusion, and defeating them on behalf of His chosen people.

When we read these verses, it comes to our attention that our God is Holy. That's something we don't really see in other gods, do we? I mean, when you think of Zeus and Apollo and Odin and Thor and Isis... they're just glorified humans. They act deceitfully and throw tantrums and seduce humans. They do things that even with OUR imperfect moral codes, we consider wrong.

But God is Holy. He is set apart. He is different from all of us. And He calls us to be holy like Him. To not be caught up in the petty soap opera drama that fills the screens of reality TV. To act in love and kindness, and to show the world the light of life.

Let's be like Him. Let's be holy.

God, thank You for setting the example of holiness. Help us to be more like You.

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