Monday, September 28, 2020

a light to the nations

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Isaiah 51:1-53:12. God tells "all who seek the LORD" that He will save them. His salvation is on the way, He says. And His justice will become a light to the nations.

This is good news for anyone who has lived under injustice. So many places in the world, crime and corruption are in charge. Recently the federal government in Mexico released the son of a cartel boss because the boss and his men started blowing up cities in Mexico until he was released. This is a sad state of affairs for Mexico. It's no longer safe to even shop along the border anymore.

But there is good news. God will bring His justice to the people of Mexico. He will bring His justice to all of the people of the world, and that justice will be a light to the nations. In the meantime, until His justice frees those in captivity, let's be in prayer for them.

God, thanks for Your justice, which lights our way. Please free those in bondage throughout the world.

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