Saturday, August 22, 2020

having it all


Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Job 1:1-3:26. We find Job in his happy, healthy, wealthy life, before calamity comes his way. It's hard to imagine someone happier, since he's extremely well off, and his family is full of happy people who take turns treating one another to feasts. 

Then it all falls apart. His family is killed, seemingly by accident, and he loses all of his wealth. Even his wife tells him to curse God and die. But Job is faithful, and we'll see in coming weeks what God does for him.

But let's learn a little lesson here, in the pre-tribulation Job. He was happy, and didn't know that pain was coming. Many of us were like that in 2019. We had no idea that 2020 was coming with all of its craziness and, in many cases, pain.

Let's be faithful like Job. Let's hang in there, and keep praising Him. Let us say, with Job, "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord."

And we know that He will find us, and reward us for our faith.

God, thanks for showing us the example of Job.

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