Friday, August 21, 2020

glad God is God


In today's reading from the One Year Bible, in Esther 8:1-10:3, we shudder to read the results of what happens when Esther's requests are fulfilled. Over 75,000 people who hated the Jews were put to death. The ten sons of Haman, who had plotted to kill Esther, Mordecai, and all of the Jews of the land, were impaled on poles in public.


On one hand, it was probably necessary in order to protect the Jews from the violence planned by Haman. On the other hand, we don't see a great deal of mercy or forgiveness in Esther's actions.

It makes me grateful that God, and not a person even as great as Esther, is the one who decides the eternal destiny of all of mankind. God has shown from the beginning that He is merciful, even to those who killed His only begotten Son.

Thank You, God, for Your mercy, which even the best of us strive with difficulty to emulate.

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