Thursday, July 16, 2020

when not to double down

Today we read from the One Year Bible in 1 Chronicles 19:1-21:30. A new king has taken over the Ammonites. His name is Hanun, and he makes some bad decisions. When his dad dies, he takes over. David hears of his dad's death and sends an envoy to express his condolences. But Hanun cuts off their robes and their beards and sends them back to David in shame. David isn't happy about this.

At this point Hanun should have repented of his stupidity. We all make mistakes, Hanun. But don't be stupid. However, he was. He doubled down, and recruited more troops to fight for him so they could defeat David. This proved disastrous in the end.

We can learn from Hanun. First, be gracious when someone, even if you see him as your enemy, expresses good will toward you. Second, if you misjudge someone and then offend them, don't double down! Repent of your dumb mistake, since we all make them, and move toward reconciliation.

God, thanks for teaching us from Hanun's cautionary tale.