Saturday, July 25, 2020

we never learn

Today we read from 2 Chronicles 11:1-13:22 in the One Year Bible. Rehoboam gathers an army to attack Israel. God said not to, and Rehoboam actually listened!

But when you read the rest of the OT, you see king after king attack Israel and get defeated. And then if you read the news today, you see other nations constantly attacking Israel.

We never learn. We keep doing the same stupid things over and over and over. There is not a single example of socialism working out for the best in the history of the world... but the young people of America today are nevertheless very excited about the idea of socialism.

Hegel lived in the 18th and 19th centuries. A long time ago. And even way back then, he noticed that we humans are terrible at learning from history.

But you and I still have a choice. We can learn from history, and we can learn from our own mistakes. Let's be humble enough to do so, and to ask God to help us.

God, thanks for giving us the ability to learn from history. Please help us do so.