Sunday, July 26, 2020

why God does that

Today we read from 2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14 in the One Year Bible. We read that Asa takes over as king, and he does alot of good things, things that please God. And God, in turn, gives Asa "rest from his enemies." That might puzzle some readers. If Asa is doing what pleases God, why doesn't God just empower Asa to destroy all of his enemies? Wouldn't that be better for Israel, both now and in the future?

But that brings us to an important point. We often look at what God has done, or is doing, and we try to figure out why it's necessary, or what purpose it serves. It's important to realize that most of the things God does are not because they're necessary, as much as because they're beautiful.

Did God have to create a giraffe to look like that? What purpose does it serve to make the sunset so beautiful every evening? Why do kittens need to be so fluffy and cute?

Not for any necessary reason. He didn't make them to necessarily serve some huge purpose. He made them, and He made YOU, because He is a loving, creative God who loves making beauty.

God, thanks for making everything so beautiful.

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