Saturday, July 11, 2020

the gatekeepers

Today we read from 1 Chronicles 9:1-10:14 in the One Year Bible. In this passage we meet the gatekeepers - members of the tribe of Levi whose job it was to guard the gates to the tabernacle, where such valuables as the Ten Commandments and the Ark of the Covenant were kept.

This might seem like a menial and banal job. But when you read church history, you see that some of the best saints of the church were door keepers at one time. Humble work like guarding a door is the sort of simple work in which we can practice the presence of God, as Brother Lawrence encourages us to do.

Of course, almost any work can be practiced while we pray. As long as you lift your work up to God, and share with Him what you're doing and saying as you go about your day, all of your work can be a prayer.

God, thanks for sharing our work with us - even the simple, humble work of guarding a door.

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