Monday, July 13, 2020

the ark is like sex

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 1 Chronicles 15:1-16:36. We read about the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant. They carried it by the poles, like in the picture above, because Israel learned the hard way what happens when you try to carry it any other way. People get killed.

Not because the Ark is evil. Not because God hates people who touch it or carry it wrong. But because it's holy, and it must be handled with care so that we don't hurt ourselves with something so precious. It can't just be left out in the open for anyone to come along and touch it... because they'll die. It must be kept in the holy of holies, where only those who are prepared interact with it.

Which is just like sex. God gave us a beautiful gift in human sexuality. In fact, it is a holy thing. It's so important and precious that we have to treat it carefully so we don't hurt ourselves. The world thinks that we Christians have a low view of sex... that we think it's evil. But just the opposite. We think it's so great that it has to be protected in the holy of holies of human society: marriage. Only in a marriage is our sexuality free to be experienced in a way that doesn't bring calamity to those who engage in it.

God, thanks for giving us a picture of the beauty and holiness of sexuality in the Ark of the Covenant.