Monday, July 13, 2020

playing the long game

Today we read from 1 Chronicles 12:19-14:17 in the One Year Bible. The text tells us that all of David's fighting men were keen to see him become king instead of Saul.

And looking back on previous readings, we remember all the times that Saul was at David's mercy, and David could easily have killed him and become king. But David was hesitant to do so. Partially because he was heeding the advice that if we rush to destroy our enemy, we risk becoming just like them.

But also because David was playing the long game. He knew that God had called him to be king, and he was just biding his time until things worked out so that he could.

You and I are biding our time, too. We're playing a long game like David did. We know that Jesus has already won the victory over the enemy. And even though it appears like that world is falling apart and the church is crumbling and goodness is rare while good men are few and far between.... we know that in reality, this is all a passing shadow. It's real, it's not an illusion... but it's passing. It's temporary. God wins in the end, and we win with Him.

So be patient. Bide your time. Pray for your enemies. Love your neighbor. And remember - we're playing the long game.

God, thanks for giving us perspective.