Saturday, July 18, 2020

casting lots

Today we read from 1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11 in the One Year Bible. The tribes of Israel cast lots to determine who will work with which group, so that no favoritism would arise.

What's interesting about casting lots is that it SEEMS like they're just leaving it up to chance. But that's not exactly what's happening. See, they believed that God would speak to them in the casting of the lots, and control the outcome of their futures based on what the lots did.

Do you see the difference? Their INTENT was to do what God wanted. They cast lots in order to TRY to let God direct their futures. And so, even if God didn't manipulate the lots to make them do A or B, He did honor their intent to do His will.

He does that with us, too. People are always looking for "signs" to try to understand what God wants them to do. They will look for their favorite "lucky" number to tell them that they should do or NOT do something. And their intention is to do what God wants. So God will honor their intention, even if He doesn't necessarily send them any "signs."

God, thanks for looking at our hearts.

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