Friday, June 5, 2020

God is both

Today we read from 2 Samuel 22:1-23:23 in the One Year Bible. David sings a beautiful song about how faithful God is to hear our prayers. And it really is amazing that this is true.

It's SO amazing, in fact, that even someone as smart as Michio Kaku, the great theoretical physicist, has trouble believing that God does, in fact, hear our prayers. He sees God the way Einstein does, as a great creator of the beauty of the cosmos. You can listen to him talk about it here.

We humans really like creating false dichotomies. It's usually difficult for our brains to accept the both/and of things rather than the this-or-that of them. So, like Kaku, we find it easy to say God IS the master creator of the beauty of the cosmos... but He's not listening to Tommy when he asks for a new bicycle.

The truly amazing thing is that He is both. The master creator of everything we see in the entire universe... and the Person who listens to our prayers as though we were the only one praying, as though we were the only one who lives or who ever lived. He's that amazing.

God, thanks for blowing our minds with how amazing You are.