Thursday, June 4, 2020

don't lose your head

Today we read from 2 Samuel 20:14=21:22 in the One Year Bible. This guy named Sheba runs and hides in this town, and an old woman saves the town by telling everyone in the town to kill Sheba, cut off his head, and throw it to the people who are chasing him.

Pretty grisly, and pretty shocking. But in a way, it's also indicative of what we're seeing in our country today. People are losing their heads over the Corona virus, and their losing their heads over the protesting of the mistreatment of POC by police officers. By "losing their heads", I mean they're acting irrationally, and causing more harm than good.

For instance, a man went and stood with the protesters, helping them give voice to their cause. When they were done, he went to his car and tried to leave. One of the protesters came and beat his car with a baseball bat, causing serious damage. They didn't keep their head, they just attacked without reason.

As we face the crises in our country, let's keep our heads. Let's not be like Sheba.

God, thanks for teaching us figurative truth with literal examples.