Saturday, June 6, 2020

how to discern

Today we read from 2 Samuel 23:24-24:25 in the One Year Bible. God is unhappy with Israel, so He prompts David to take a census. Sounds weird, doesn't it? There might have been some anthropomorphizing going on here. But it DOES bring up an important lesson.

David takes a census, even though his best advisors ask him why in the world he wants to do such an unnecessary thing... and he can't really give a good reason.

That's step one in discerning what you should do. Ask the people in your life who are wise and whom you trust. You don't have to do what they advise, but you should listen to it. And if they give good reasons for THEIR suggestion, but you can't give good reasons for yours... you might consider doing what they suggest instead.

Another thing I've learned about discerning what God wants me to do is to let it wait. If it's God's will today, it'll be His will tomorrow. Rushing into things is usually Satan's idea. Giving the idea some time, and putting it on the back burner until you feel confirmation that it IS what God wants, will usually point you in the right direction.

God, thanks for teaching us through cautionary tales how to discern Your will.

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